The QP server agent can be deployed through NinjaRMM with minimal interaction after the initial setup is completed. The following steps will walk you through how to create and assign variables for a Ninja organization and call for those variables so you can deploy a scripted installation.
Create and Populate Variables
1. Navigate to your NinjaRMM
2. Click on Administration
3. Click on Devices

4. Click on Global Custom Fields

5. Click on Add, and then Field

6. Label the Custom Field "Install Token" and select Text from Select Field Type

7. Click on Create

8. On the next page (shown below), fill in the information as shown, making sure the Definition Scope is Organization

9. Click on Save

10. You will now see your newly created Customer Field. Repeat the Custom Field creation steps to create a second Custom Field with the label of Agent ID

11. Follow the same specifications as done for the Install Token Custom Field

12. Confirm both Custom Fields have been created

13. Click the Dashboard icon
14. Select your desired organization

15. Click on Custom Fields

16. Click on Edit

17. You are now editing what values are applied to the Custom Field(s) for this NinjaRMM organization
Populate the installToken field with the Install Token from your QP tenant (found in the settings tab), and populate the agentID field with the Agent ID for the QP customer that corresponds to this NinjaRM organization.
Note: text shown below is placeholder text for example only, your custom fields must contain the actual Install Token and Agent ID from the CyberQP dashboard (

18. Click on Save

Deployment Script Modification
1A. Initial Step: Grab the template PowerShell script for agent installation here - PowerShell Script for Agent Installation
1. Navigate to NinjaRMM Administration tab
2. Click on Library
3. Click on Automation
4. Click on Automations
5. Click on +Add > New script
6. Paste the PowerShell script grabbed from step 1A.
Edit the fields on the right side as shown, adjusting Name and Category as desired

7. Edit lines 12-13 of the template script (see subheading Deployment Script Modification, step 1A) with the following code as shown below
#Declare NinjaRMM Specific Custom-Fields
$CustomFieldInstallToken = Ninja-Property-Get installtoken
$CustomFieldAgentID = Ninja-Property-Get agentid
#Call for NinjaRMM Specific Custom-Fields
$QPInstallTokenID = $CustomFieldInstallToken
$QPAgentID = $CustomFieldAgentID
8. Click on Save

9. In the desired NinjaRMM organization, run the script against your desired machines. A successful deployment will look similar to the example below:
Next Steps
Additional NinjaOne RMM Quickpass monitoring articles
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