- Ensure that you have reviewed and understand the Install Token and Agent ID Values - Run the Powershell Command as Administrator
- Review the Scripted Agent Installation KB Article to understand what each Powershell Parameter will do - This process can be utilized via your RMM solution. For deploying through your RMM solution please take a look at this KB or consult your vendor's documentation on how to push software remotely through their RMM agent.
How to Edit and Execute script
- Click the New Script icon (Paper with Asterisks in top right corner)
- Paste the script below into the Text area prior to modification.
- You will want to modify lines 12 & 13 ($QPInstallTokenID = "InstallToken" & $QPAgentID = "AgentID") to include the static Tenant Install Token and the individual Customer's Agent ID.
- Please ensure to leave the open and closing quotes around those values.
- You will want to modify lines 12 & 13 ($QPInstallTokenID = "InstallToken" & $QPAgentID = "AgentID") to include the static Tenant Install Token and the individual Customer's Agent ID.
- Once Editing has been completed, run the script by clicking the "Play" button or press F5 on your keyboard.
NOTE: If you want to run the PowerShell script from command line and pass the variables as arguments, skip to PowerShell Script With Arguments
PowerShell Script
##Quickpass Installation PowerShell Script
$Path = "C:\QPInstall"
$DownloadURL = ""
$Output = $path + "\Quickpass-Agent-Setup.exe"
#Edit These Values for your Install Token and Agent ID Inside quotation Marks
$QPInstallTokenID = "InstallToken"
$QPAgentID = "CustomerAgentID"
#Edit RegionID for EU Tenant ONLY
#RegionID = "EU" for EU Tenant
#RegionID = "NA" for North America/Oceania Tenant
$RegionID = "NA"
#adds quotes to Installation Parameter
$QPInstallTokenIDBLQt = """$QPInstallTokenID"""
$QPAgentIDDBlQt = """$QPAgentID"""
$Region = """$RegionID"""
#Restart Options
<#Restart Commands
.NET lower than 4.7.2
.NET 4.7.2 or Higher Already Installed
No value Specified
After installation of .NET completes the system will automatically be restarted & After admin login, installation of the Agent system will complete and system will NOT be rebooted
After installation of the Agent system will NOT be rebooted
After installation of .NET completes the system will NOT automatically be restarted & After admin login, installation of the Agent will complete and system will NOT be rebooted
After installation of the Agent system will NOT be rebooted
After installation of .NET completes the system will automatically be restarted & After admin login, installation of the Agent will complete and system will NOT be rebooted
After installation of the Agent system will NOT be rebooted
After installation of .NET completes the system will automatically be restarted & After admin login, installation of the Agent will complete and system will be rebooted
After installation of the Agent system will be rebooted
$RestartOption = "/NORESTART"
#MSA vs Local System Service Options
<#MSA Commands
No Value Specified
The Agent will use the Local System Account to run the service
The Agent will use the Local System Account to run the service
A Managed Service Account will be created to run the Service
NOTE: This is only used for Domain Controllers. All other system types this command will be ignored.
$MSAOption = "MSA=1"
# Get the .NET version
$VersionKey = "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP\v4\Full\"
$NetVersion = (Get-ItemProperty -Path $VersionKey).Version
#Test if download destination folder exists, create folder if required
If(Test-Path $Path)
{write-host "Destination folder exists"}else{
#Create Directory to download quickpass installer into
write-host "Creating folder $Path"
md $Path
#Begin download of Quickpass Agent
write-host "Beginning download of the quickpass agent"
Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $DownloadURL -OutFile $Output -UseBasicParsing
#Write Variables and Notifications
write-host "Variables in use for Quickpass Agent installation"
write-host "Software Path: $Output"
write-host "Installation Token: $QPInstallTokenID"
write-host "Customer ID $QPAgentID"
write-host "Restart option Selected $RestartOption"
write-host "MSA Creation Selected $MSAOption"
# Kill processes with Installation or update of CyberQP
Get-Process | Where-Object { $_.ProcessName -like "*quickpass-agent*" } | ForEach-Object { Stop-Process -Id $_.Id -Force }
Get-Process | Where-Object { $_.ProcessName -like "*qpupdate*" } | ForEach-Object { Stop-Process -Id $_.Id -Force }
# Kill all existing processes running msiexec.exe
Get-Process | Where-Object { $_.ProcessName -eq "msiexec" } | ForEach-Object { Stop-Process -Id $_.Id -Force }
write-host "Beginning installation of Quickpass"
#Run QP Agent download file
Start-Process "$Output" -ArgumentList "/quiet $RestartOption INSTALLTOKEN=$QPInstallTokenIDBLQt CUSTOMERID=$QPAgentIDDBlQt REGION=$Region $MSAOption" -ErrorAction Stop
$ErrorMessage = $_.Exception.Message
write-host "Install error was: $ErrorMessage"
#exit 1
# Compare the .NET version with 4.7.2
if ([version]$NetVersion -lt [version]"4.7.2") {
# Display a message in Blue with Yellow Background
Write-Host "`n.NET version $NetVersion detected. The system will need a reboot to complete phase 1, at which time the installation will automatically continue." -ForegroundColor Blue -BackgroundColor Yellow
#Check if service is running
$serviceName = "Quickpass Server Agent"
$maxAttempts = 3
Start-Sleep -Seconds 20 # Wait for 20 seconds
$serviceStatus = Get-Service -Name $serviceName
for ($attempt = 1; $attempt -le $maxAttempts; $attempt++) {
if ($serviceStatus.Status -eq "Running") {
Write-Host "The service '$serviceName' is now running. Quickpass Agent should have been installed successfully"
elseif ($attempt -eq $maxAttempts) {
Write-Host "Service '$serviceName' failed to start. Confirm the variables 'QPInstallTokenID' and 'QPAgentID' are defined and try again, or check the error logs."
else {
Write-Host "Waiting for service '$serviceName' to start..."
Start-Sleep -Seconds 30
$serviceStatus = Get-Service -Name $serviceName
PowerShell Script With Arguments
To run the PowerShell script from command line and pass the variables as arguments, please use this PowerShell script.
How to Edit and Execute script
- Click the New Script icon (Paper with Asterisks in top right corner)
- Paste the script below into the Text area
- Save the file to the desired directory, i.e. C:\AgentInstallScripts or root C:\
- Click the New Script icon (Paper with Asterisks in top right corner)
- In the text area, enter the following (NOTE: Edit the path that the 'cd' command goes to depending on where you saved the PowerShell script in step #3.1):
cd C:\ ; .\QPInstall.ps1 '<installtoken>' '<agentid>'
#edit 'cd C:\' path according to the location of the QPInstall.ps1 PowerShell script - Modify the <installtoken> and <agentid> to include the static Tenant Install Token and the individual Customer's Agent ID
- Please ensure to leave the open and closing single-quotes around those values
- If your QP Tenant is based in EU, add the parameter '-EU' to the end as shown below
cd C:\ ; .\QPInstall.ps1 '<installtoken>' '<agentid>' -EU
#edit 'cd C:\' path according to the location of the QPInstall.ps1 PowerShell script
- Once editing has been completed, run the script by clicking the "Play" button or press F5 on your keyboard.
NOTE: If you wish to modify the $RestartOption and $MSAOption variables you may add additional arguments to the PowerShell script, then include those argument values to the command line script accordingly.
##Quickpass Installation PowerShell Script
$Path = "C:\QPInstall"
$DownloadURL = ""
$Output = $path + "\Quickpass-Agent-Setup.exe"
#Arguments to declare Install Token and Agent ID at run-time
$QPInstallTokenID = $args[0]
$QPAgentID = $args[1]
#Call for -EU parameter at run-time if EU tenant deploy
If ($EU) {
$RegionID = "EU"
} else {
$RegionID = "NA"
#adds quotes to Installation Parameter
$QPInstallTokenIDBLQt = """$QPInstallTokenID"""
$QPAgentIDDBlQt = """$QPAgentID"""
$Region = """$RegionID"""
#Restart Options
<#Restart Commands
.NET lower than 4.7.2
.NET 4.7.2 or Higher Already Installed
No value Specified
After installation of .NET completes the system will automatically be restarted & After admin login, installation of the Agent system will complete and system will NOT be rebooted
After installation of the Agent system will NOT be rebooted
After installation of .NET completes the system will NOT automatically be restarted & After admin login, installation of the Agent will complete and system will NOT be rebooted
After installation of the Agent system will NOT be rebooted
After installation of .NET completes the system will automatically be restarted & After admin login, installation of the Agent will complete and system will NOT be rebooted
After installation of the Agent system will NOT be rebooted
After installation of .NET completes the system will automatically be restarted & After admin login, installation of the Agent will complete and system will be rebooted
After installation of the Agent system will be rebooted
$RestartOption = "/NORESTART"
#MSA vs Local System Service Options
<#MSA Commands
No Value Specified
The Agent will use the Local System Account to run the service
The Agent will use the Local System Account to run the service
A Managed Service Account will be created to run the Service
NOTE: This is only used for Domain Controllers. All other system types this command will be ignored.
$MSAOption = "MSA=1"
#Test if download destination folder exists, create folder if required
If(Test-Path $Path)
{write-host "Destination folder exists"}else{
#Create Directory to download quickpass installer into
write-host "Creating folder $Path"
md $Path
#Begin download of Quickpass Agent
write-host "Beginning download of the quickpass agent"
Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $DownloadURL -OutFile $Output -UseBasicParsing
write-host "Variables in use for Quickpass Agent installation"
write-host "Software Path: $Output"
write-host "Installation Token: $QPInstallTokenID"
write-host "Customer ID $QPAgentID"
write-host "Restart option Selected $RestartOption"
write-host "MSA Creation Selected $MSAOption"
write-host "Beginning installation of Quickpass"
#Run QP Agent download file
Start-Process "$Output" -ArgumentList "/quiet $RestartOption INSTALLTOKEN=$QPInstallTokenIDBLQt CUSTOMERID=$QPAgentIDDBlQt REGION=$Region $MSAOption" -ErrorAction Stop
$ErrorMessage = $_.Exception.Message
write-host "Install error was: $ErrorMessage"
#exit 1
#Check if service is running
$serviceName = "Quickpass Server Agent"
$maxAttempts = 3
Start-Sleep -Seconds 20 # Wait for 20 seconds
$serviceStatus = Get-Service -Name $serviceName
for ($attempt = 1; $attempt -le $maxAttempts; $attempt++) {
if ($serviceStatus.Status -eq "Running") {
Write-Host "The service '$serviceName' is now running. Quickpass Agent should have been installed successfully"
elseif ($attempt -eq $maxAttempts) {
Write-Host "Service '$serviceName' failed to start. Confirm the variables 'QPInstallTokenID' and 'QPAgentID' are defined and try again, or check the error logs."
else {
Write-Host "Waiting for service '$serviceName' to start..."
Start-Sleep -Seconds 30
$serviceStatus = Get-Service -Name $serviceName
- Ensuring MSA enabled installation allows service to start.
1 comment
PowerShell script modified to add the following:
- Check and Report for .NET Version
- Check and Kill stuck Quickpass Agent Updates
- 2nd Script created to allow for inline specification of TenantID and AgentID
Please sign in to leave a comment.