This KB is designed to get you on your way to deploying the Quickpass Agent to your Customers' systems via the Datto RMM Solution.
- Customers created in the Quickpass Dashboard
- Ensure that you have reviewed and understand the Install Token
and Agent ID values - Review the Scripted Agent Installation KB Article to understand what each Powershell Parameter will do - Agent installation must be done "As Administrator" so ensure that the account the RMM deployment is being executed will have those permissions.
1. Download the attached CPT file
2. Navigate to Components Page under Automation, click on import
3. Navigate to the destination with the saved Quickpass Agent CPT file, import that and that should populate in your component library.
4. After the import, edit the Powershell script in the QP Agent with your Install Token and Agent ID details
5. You can adjust variable settings as required by your team
If you want to use site specific variables, please see the instructions to follow under: How to Push Site/Customer Specific Variables in a DattoRMM Script
Example Variables - Modify lines 12 and 13 of the Sample Script to look like this:
Assign the QP_InstallToken Variable as a Global Variable that applies to all of your customers.
Assign the QP_AgentID Variable as a Customer Level Variable that is different for each Customer.
6. Navigate to Sites and select the desired site containing the devices to deploy the Quickpass Agent. Select the devices that require the QP agent and click Quick Job, this opens up the component tab. Please select the QP Agent and run. This pushes the agent to the specified devices.
How to Push Site/Customer Specific Variables in a DattoRMM Script
Gather QP Customer AgentID(s) by downloading the Customer report
1. Navigate to
2. Click on Reports
3. Find the Export customers and status report
4. Click on Download CSV File for the Export customers and status report
Open the downloaded file and save locally
Set the QP Install Token as a Global Variable in DattoRMM
1. Navigate to DattoRMM
2. Click on Setup
3. Click on Global Settings
4. Scroll down until you see Variables
5. Open in a new tab
6. Click on Settings
7. Find the Install Token for your QP tenant
8. Copy the Install Token
9. Return to Datto RMM
10. Click on Add Variable
11. Type "QP_InstallToken"
12. Click on Please enter a value
13. Paste the Install Token copied from the QP tenant
14. Click on Save
15. Click on OK
This will set the Install Token variable at a global level
16. Scroll down and find Import Site Variables
17. Click on Download template
Open the downloaded file and save locally
Populate DattoRMM Import Template with QP Customer AgentID(s)
1. Open both the Customer report downloaded from the QP dashboard and the DattoRMM import template
2. On the DattoRMM import sheet, type QP_AgentID into the variable_name column and select/click-drag or copy/paste the cell to populate the column for all desired Sites
3. On the Customer report sheet, note the QP Customer name column and the corresponding Agent ID column, this is the data you will populate the import sheet with.
4. On the DattoRMM import sheet, populate the variable_value column with the value(s) from the Agent ID column in the Customer report sheet. This will require knowledge of your DattoRMM Site structure as you will need to know which DattoRMM site corresponds to which QP Customer to ensure the correct Agent ID value is being populated in the variable_value field
Example below: Note that naming scheme in example picture below is for testing purposes only.
5. Once the DattoRMM import sheet has been populated with the AgentID(s) and confirmed to be associated with the desired DattoRMM site(s), save the changes made to the file locally.
Upload the Variables via the Import Sheet to DattoRMM
1. Return to the Import Site Variables option
2. Click on Import
Find the locally saved file and select it
3. Confirm the saved file shows in the upload menu
4. Click on Upload
5. To confirm upload, click on All Sites
6. Click on a site to open site settings on the left bar
7. Click on Settings
8. Scroll down to find Variables
Confirm that the QP_AgentID variable has been populated
9. Repeat for additional sites as desired
Edit Install Script in DattoRMM Automation Component to Call for Variables
1. Open the desired component and find the QP server agent installation script
2. Edit Lines 12 and 13 to call for the globally set Install Token and the site specific Agent ID
$QPInstallTokenID = "$env:QP_InstallToken"
$QPAgentID = "$env:QP_AgentID"
3. Scroll to the bottom and click Save Component
4. The Component is now ready to be pushed out to a specific device/site via Jobs. The script will run and call for variable which will be provided according to which Site the machine belongs to.
Next Steps
Additional Datto RMM Quickpass monitoring articles
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