- You have created customers in Quickpass either manually or by importing from IT Glue or Hudu via integration.
Manually - You have installed the Quickpass Active Directory agent.
NOTE: For Active Directory Automatic Import, if you plan to use Security Groups as the Selection criteria, you must create a new Active Directory Security Group and add your existing End User Accounts to that Security group. Default Active Directory security groups are hidden to avoid onboarding privileged accounts from groups such as Domain Users.
- NOTE: The Security Group you create should not be stored in the "Builtin" or "Users" OU that are created by default in Active Directory
- Click on the Customer you want to import accounts into
- Click on the Add Accounts Drop Down Box in the Top Right of the Screen
- Click on Automatic
- If you want to Import Accounts Automatically from Active Directory Select the Sync from a Single Source option on the Import End-User Accounts Screen and Click Continue
- This screen will appear
IT Glue Hudu
- Turn ON the Pause Automatic Import if you want to Pause the Automatic Synchronization
- Turn ON the IT Glue or Hudu Password Entry Matching, if you want to store End User Password Changes in IT Glue or Hudu. Existing IT Glue or Hudu Password entries will be automatically matched, by Active Directory Account Name, if they exist. New IT Glue or Hudu Password entries will be created if there is no match. (Note: This option will not be available if you have not yet Integrated the Customer with IT Glue or Integrated the Customer with Hudu, or if the Quickpass Tech Vault has not been enabled for your Tenant).
NOTE: Quickpass makes extensive use of the ITGlue Category/Hudu Type values for the Automatic Matching process. If you have existing ITGlue/Hudu Password Entries that you want to ensure are automatically matched during import or during the Manual Matching process, please ensure that those entries are updated with the following Category/Type values:
Account Source Category/Type Name On Premise Active Directory Active Directory Azure/O365 Office 365 OR Microsoft 365 OR Azure AD OR Azure Active Directory Local Account Local Account If an existing password entry does NOT have the Category/Type values populated, a new Password entry may be pushed into ITGlue/Hudu as a new password entry during an automatic import.
- Turn ON the Connectwise or AutoTask Contact entry Matching if you want to match to ConnectWise or AutoTask Contacts. (Only 1 will be available depending on the Integrations you have configured) Existing ConnectWise or AutoTask Contacts will be matched by Email Address or First and Last name, and new Contacts will be created if there is no matching entry. (Note: Neither option will be available if you have not yet Integrated the Customer with ConnectWise or AutoTask)
- Turn ON the Quickpass Store Password if you are using the Quickpass Tech Vault and you want to store End User Password Changes. (Note: This option will ONLY be available if you have Quickpass Tech Vault enabled for your Tenant)
- Turn ON the Send Welcome E-mail if you want the End User to immediately be sent the Welcome Email upon Automatic Import. (Note: The email address must be pre-populated in Active Directory for the End User to be sent the Welcome Email)
- Turn ON the Enable Self Serve if you want the End User to get Notifications and be able to log into the Mobile/Web App.
- Once you have selected all of the options you wish to enable, click Continue
- You will then be prompted for the source of the Accounts you Wish to Import
- Once Active Directory is selected, you will be shown a list of OUs that currently have User Accounts in them, and a list of Active Directory Security Groups.
NOTE: You must create a new Active Directory Security Group, if you plan to use Security Groups as the Selection criteria, and add your existing End User Accounts to that Security group. Default Active Directory security groups are hidden to avoid onboarding privileged accounts from groups such as Domain Users.
NOTE: The Security Group you create should not be stored in the "Builtin" or "Users" OU that are created by default in Active Directory
- You can select OU(s), OR Security Group(s) from this screen. If you have a large number of Security Groups in Active Directory, you can search for that group above the Security Group section.
NOTE: Security Groups containing other Security Groups (nested) are not supported, users must be added directly to this Security Group.
- Once the appropriate OUs or Security Group have been selected click the Add button in the top left.
NOTE: End User Accounts added to Security Groups that are located in the following OU/Containers will not import. Make sure they are in an OU or Container that is supported.
- You can select OU(s), OR Security Group(s) from this screen. If you have a large number of Security Groups in Active Directory, you can search for that group above the Security Group section.
- The initial synchronization will begin. Depending on the number of accounts that are being imported the accounts will be shown in batches as they are imported.
- After the import completes and the "Syncing in Progress" icon disappears the End Users from the selected OU or Security Groups will be displayed.
- Further Synchronizations will occur every 3 hours.
NOTE: As of June 20, 2022 accounts removed from the Active Directory OU or Security Group, will be removed from the End User Accounts screen.
Troubleshooting Automatic Matching to IT Glue, Hudu or ConnectWise
On occasion the automatic import process may have troubles with matching to IT Glue, Hudu or ConnectWise. Usually this is caused by duplicate entries in IT Glue, Hudu or ConnectWise
Holding your mouse over the Automatic Import Status icon will show you the cause of the matching error.
- Manually match the accounts shown to the appropriate Integration that has failed to automatically create a match.
- Click Match Accounts at the top of the End User Accounts screen
- Select the Appropriate Integration that has failed to Automatically Match
- Select the Automatch Button at the top of the screen
- As shown in the screenshot below the usual cause of this that there are multiple entries in the connected Integration and the Automatic process wants you to confirm which account to select.
- Manually select the More than one match, click to Edit.
- Select the proper account from the Integration, and click the Select button. Repeat for each account with more than one match shown.
- Alternatively, go to the associated Integration Source, search for and delete the duplicate account. Come back to the Quickpass Matching screen and try the Matching process again.
- Manually select the More than one match, click to Edit.
To learn about our password sync options and their respective scenarios, please refer to our KB article here - Deciding between Automatic and Manual End-User Account Import Options
Adjusting the Automatic Import Settings
At times, you may want to adjust the Automatic Import Settings.
Click Here to review the Article
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