This article is designed to assist you with matching previously imported End User Accounts for your customer to the existing ConnectWise Contacts. We will also show you how to create new ConnectWise Contacts if they do not already exist.
Matched ConnectWise Manage Companies to Quickpass Customers
- Accounts Imported to the Quickpass Dashboard End User Accounts screen for your Customer
Automatic Import linked to O365/Azure
Automatic Import not linked to O365/Azure
Automatic Import O365/Azure Only
Manual Import
Note: If the accounts are NOT already Imported, you can select the ConnectWise Contact Matching at the time of Automatic import to save you the steps listed in this article.
Match ConnectWise Contacts with Quickpass Accounts
1. Navigate to the Quickpass Customer that you have already matched with a ConnectWise company and click to open.
2. Select the End-User Accounts menu on the left hand side.
3. Click the down arrow in the Match Accounts button and select ConnectWise from the sub-menu.
Option 1 - Auto Match ConnectWise Contacts
4a. In the Match End-User Accounts screen any ConnectWise Manage Contacts that match according to the criteria will appear with a symbol and the ConnectWise Contact will be prepopulated.
- Auto Match Criteria: Quickpass will search by Email Address first. If no email matches, Quickpass will search by First and Last Name.
4b. If all of the End Users are matched to the correct ConnectWise Contacts click the Save button in the top right corner of the screen.
4c. If there are any End User Accounts that are incorrectly matched to a ConnectWise Contact, simply select the Trash Can icon beside the displayed match to remove the existing match (if you don't want to match to a Contact) or click the Pencil Icon to change to a different ConnectWise Contact (see Option 2- for the process)
4d. If there are any End User Accounts that do not have a ConnectWise Contact match for an End User found you will need to Manually Match or Create the Contact.
Option 2 - Manually Match ConnectWise Contacts
4a. In the Match End-User Accounts screen locate the Quickpass End User Account you want to manually match to a ConnectWise Contact (this might be because there are multiple ConnectWise Contacts with matching criteria or the email/First Name/Last Name doesn't match (for example with a name change)).
4b. If there are Multiple ConnectWise Contacts that have matching criteria you can
- Remove/Merge the ConnectWise Contacts to a single entry and restart the Matching process
- Select the ConnectWise Contact you WANT to match to.
4c. If there is a ConnectWise contact you would like to select manually, click on the Match with ConnectWise Contact box and search/scroll through the list to find the proper Contact. Put the radio button in the correct contact and click Select.
4d. If all of the End Users are matched to ConnectWise Contacts click the Save button in the top right corner of the screen.
4e. If there is NOT an existing ConnectWise Contact continue to Option 3 to create the contact automatically.
Option 3 - Create ConnectWise Contacts
4. In the Match End-User Accounts screen click the check boxes to the right of each account that you wish to create a ConnectWise Contact from or click the All link below the ConnectWise logo. Then click the Save button at the top right to finish.
- Email Address: Make sure you at least have the email address for the Quickpass account filled in so the email address field gets populated in ConnectWise. The email address is how Quickpass identifies Quickpass accounts from ConnectWise contacts in service tickets.
- Mobile Phone Number: Quickpass will also populate the mobile phone number listed for the Quickpass account and populate the same field in the ConnectWise contact. If you wish the phone number to be populated in ConnectWise be sure to have the number populated before you create the ConnectWise Contact from Quickpass.
5. After ConnectWise Contacts are matched with Quickpass accounts you will see a ConnectWise icon in the integrations column.
Troubleshooting Matching or Contact Creation
ConnectWise has changed some of the Table Values during their updates. If you are having troubles with matching or values not populating these tips might help you get better matching results.
- Cell vs Mobile - CWM Contact Type
- Some versions of ConnectWise use the term "Cell" or "Mobile". If neither of these exist (for example the term "End User Mobile" or "Personal Cell") you will need to modify an existing value or create one of those values. If you notice that accounts created in ConnectWise Contacts, by Quickpass, are missing that value, you can adjust the Communication Type values in ConnectWise to use the term "Cell" or "Mobile" instead.
- Click System -> Setup Tables
- Select the Contacts Category and click Search
- Click the Communication Type Table.
- Check to see if one of the Values there is labelled "Cell" or "Mobile"
- If there is no "Mobile" or "Cell" value modify an existing entry (see examples above) or create a new value with one of those names.
- Change the Description Value from Cell to Mobile (ensure no leading or trailing spaces)
- Click Save
- Some versions of ConnectWise use the term "Cell" or "Mobile". If neither of these exist (for example the term "End User Mobile" or "Personal Cell") you will need to modify an existing value or create one of those values. If you notice that accounts created in ConnectWise Contacts, by Quickpass, are missing that value, you can adjust the Communication Type values in ConnectWise to use the term "Cell" or "Mobile" instead.
- Email - Work vs Email
- Some versions of ConnectWise use the term "Email - Work" instead of "Email". Quickpass is looking for the value "Email" when creating ConnectWise Contacts. If you notice that accounts created in ConnectWise are failing to match to your existing ConnectWise Contacts, you can adjust the Communication Type values in ConnectWise to use the term "Email" instead.
- Click System -> Setup Tables
- Select the Contacts Category and click Search
- Click the Communication Type Table.
- Check to see if one of the Values there is labelled "Email - Work" or "Email"
- If there is no "Email" value click on the "Email - Work" value.
- Change the Description Value from Email - Work to Email (ensure no leading or trailing spaces)
- Click Save
- Some versions of ConnectWise use the term "Email - Work" instead of "Email". Quickpass is looking for the value "Email" when creating ConnectWise Contacts. If you notice that accounts created in ConnectWise are failing to match to your existing ConnectWise Contacts, you can adjust the Communication Type values in ConnectWise to use the term "Email" instead.
Next Steps
- How to reset end-user account password in a ConnectWise Manage Service Ticket:
- How to unlock end-user account in a ConnectWise Manage Service Ticket:
- How to verify the identity of an end-user in a ConnectWise Manage Service ticket:
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