- QDesk (End User Accounts) Plan
- Quickpass Dashboard integrated with Datto Autotask
https://support.getquickpass.com/hc/en-us/articles/7010184664215-Datto-Autotask-PSA-Integration-Setup-Guide - Enable the AutoTask Insight for Quickpass
https://support.getquickpass.com/hc/en-us/articles/9145841952023-Enabling-the-Datto-AutoTask-Insight-for-Quickpass - Match Quickpass Customers to Datto Autotask Customers:
https://support.getquickpass.com/hc/en-us/articles/9074670634007-Match-Datto-Autotask-PSA-Accounts-to-Quickpass-Customers -
Match Quickpass Contacts to Datto Autotask Contacts:
https://support.getquickpass.com/hc/en-us/articles/9099550181655-Match-Autotask-Contacts-with-Quickpass-Accounts - End-users not setup with the Quickpass Self-Serve Mobile app will be sent identity verification codes by SMS or Email.
- End-users setup with the Quickpass Self-Serve Mobile app will be sent push notifications for identity verification to their mobile device.
- ***Important*** Quickpass Self-Serve mobile app users MUST have Notifications Enabled for the Quickpass Self-Serve Mobile app to receive the push notifications to verify their identity. If notifications are disabled or not authorized for the Quickpass Self-Serve mobile app they will receive a text message verification code instead.
NOTE: You can use the Identity Verification without needing to match the Quickpass End User account to a contact in Datto Autotask. For details on this configuration please see the KB Article
Verify End-User Identities in Datto Autotask Service Tickets
- In Datto Autotask, open a service ticket that was emailed in by an end-user or created manually. Ensure both the company and contact are filled in for the service ticket and the contact has an email address populated.
Note: The email address for the Autotask contact must match the email address for the end-user account in Quickpass.
2. In the Autotask Insight for Quickpass, click the Identity Verification link
Web Self-Serve App - Identity Verification
3. Select which method to send the Verification and click the SEND button in the Autotask Insight.
Note: After clicking the SEND button the end-user will receive an SMS or an email with the verification code.
4. Ask the end-user what the verification code is that they just received.
If they provide you with the matching six digit code that is shown in the Autotask Insight click the APPROVE button. Otherwise, click the DENY button.
If you clicked Approve you will receive a confirmation message that "User Identity Successfully Verified".
Click OK button to finish.
If you clicked Deny you will see a confirmation message "Unable to Verify Identity"
Click CANCEL button to finish.
Mobile Self-Serve App - Identity Verification (Push Notification)
1. Click the SEND VERIFICATION button In the Autotask Insight.
2. A push notification will now be sent to the end-user through the Quickpass Self-Serve mobile app.
The countdown timer will now countdown from 1 minute until the end-users clicks Approve or Deny in the mobile app or the countdown timer expires.
3. Ask the end-user to check their smartphone for the Quickpass identity verification notification.
If the end-user clicks Approve on the Quickpass self-serve mobile app the Autotask Insight will show the confirmation message "User Identity Successfully Verified"
Click OK button to finish.
If the end-user clicks Deny on the Quickpass self-serve mobile app the Autotask Insight will show the confirmation message "Unable to Verify Identity"
Click CANCEL button to finish.
Mobile Self-Serve App - Identity Verification (Push Notification + Verification Code)
1. Click the toggle switch below "Send Verification Code" then click the SEND VERIFICATION button In the Autotask Insight.
A push notification will now be sent to the end-user through the Quickpass Self-Serve mobile app.
The countdown timer will now countdown from 1 minute until the end-users clicks Approve or Deny in the mobile app or the countdown timer expires.
Ask the end-user to check their smartphone for the Quickpass identity verification notification.
If the end-user clicks Approve on the Quickpass self-serve mobile app the Autotask Insight will show a check mark above "Waiting for approval"
If the end-user clicks Deny on the Quickpass self-serve mobile app the Autotask Insight will indicate as seen below
Click OK button to finish and skip remaining steps.
Ask the end-user the validation code showing in the Quickpass self-serve mobile app after they clicked Approve.
If they provide you with the matching six digit code that is shown in the Autotask Insight click the APPROVE button. Otherwise, click the DENY button.
If you clicked Approve you will receive a confirmation message that "User Identity Successfully Verified".
Click OK button to finish.
If you clicked Deny you will see a confirmation message "Unable to Verify Identity"
Click CANCEL button to finish.
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