This article is designed to assist you with ensuring that Agents are up to date.
In order to benefit from the latest features and functions of the CyberQP (Quickpass) implementation, it is important to ensure that all Agents installed on your customer's systems are updated to the latest version. Although the Agent has a built-in Task to check every 8 hours for updates, sometimes this process can fail.
- Agents installed on a Workstation, Server or Domain Controller
Download the Agents Report
- Click on the Reports
link on the left side of the Main Dashboard.
- Find Agents Report and click the Download CSV File Link on the far right side of the page.
- Open the CSV File in an Excel style editor
- Enable the Excel (or similar) Filter option
- Filter Agents from the Agent Version Column to show any Agents that are not on the most current version. (Deselect the current version from the drop down - The latest version will change as new releases are issued)
- You can then use the other Columns to sort/filter by Customer, Agent Role etc. if you would like to sort/filter for additional information.
Updating the Agent
- Using the Force Agent Update from the Dashboard (Note: This will only work for Agents that are online - if the Agent is offline you will need to start/restart the Agent or use one of the other methods listed below)
- Find the Customer from the Report that has an older Agent Version
- Click the Agents link
- Find the System name as listed on the Report as out of date (Search or scroll through the list)
- Select the 3 Dot Menu beside the Agent and select the Force Agent Update option
- Wait a few minutes to see if the Agent on the Server updates to the latest version (You may have to refresh the page to see the updated version)
- Running the Agent Updater from the System. (This can also be forced via your RMM Solution)
- Log onto the system with an Administrative Account
- Browse to the Folder "C:\Program Files\Quickpass Software\Quickpass Server Agent\"
- Find the "AgentUpdater.exe" and Run as Administrator.
- You can monitor the Installation from the "More Details" -> Task Manager Details tab
- When the Agent has completed the installation you will see the QuickpassService.exe file in the Details screen
- When the Agent has completed the installation you will see the QuickpassService.exe file in the Details screen
- Reinstall the Agent from your RMM Solution
- Use your existing installation process from your RMM tool to push the latest version of the Agent onto the Server(s) from the Report you originally exported and filtered.
- Use your existing installation process from your RMM tool to push the latest version of the Agent onto the Server(s) from the Report you originally exported and filtered.
- Reinstall the Agent via GUI or Scripted Installation
- Check the existing Quickpass Service Log On account to ensure you are using the same options for the Manual/Scripted installation process.
- Follow the KB Instructions here for installing the Agent over top of the old version.
Manual -
Scripted -
- Check the existing Quickpass Service Log On account to ensure you are using the same options for the Manual/Scripted installation process.
Agents from Systems that are no longer required
If a Server or Workstation that previously had an Agent on it is no longer required, you can simply click the 3 Dot Menu and select Remove from the list. (Ex. Server Retired, Dead System, Incorrect Customer)
- If the server comes back online after the Agent has been removed from the list, and the Agent reconnects, it will reappear on the Agents list.
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