In this article we will be answering some frequently asked questions regarding HaloPSA including questions related to the sync logic between HaloPSA and CyberQP.
I am missing some clients when I go to match customers with the integration
Please ensure the "Relationship" and "Main Site" fields are correctly filled out in HaloPSA for each client to maintain accurate synchronization. Your customer on HaloPSA need this filled out and established to make sure they are presented for customer matching.
What type of data will be synced from HaloPSA to CyberQP?
We will sync Emails and Phone numbers from HaloPSA to CyberQP.
Which Phone Number and Email ID Are Synced from HaloPSA to CyberQP?
Currently, HaloPSA may have multiple email IDs and phone numbers available. However, only the phone number and email ID specified in the integration mapping on CyberQP will be synced to the dashboard. To access these settings, follow the steps below:
-> Log onto CyberQP dashboard
-> Click on 'Integrations'
-> Click on 'HaloPSA' tile
-> Click on 'Settings' button on the top right side of screen to access the below modal
- > Select the desired field from the dropdown and click on 'Save'
However, no changes will be made to the Email and Phone number saved on CyberQP after clicking on 'Save'. The changes from HaloPSA will get synced to CyberQP only when one of the change trigger action occurs (captured in Question 4).
Will All Phone Numbers and Emails in Integration Settings Be Synced to the CyberQP End-User Account?
Only phone numbers and emails that are valid, not null, and defined in the Integration settings will be synced to the CyberQP end-user account.
When will the syncing of data happen between HaloPSA and CyberQP?
The phone number and email Id will be synced from HaloPSA to CyberQP in the following scenarios -
- If an end-user account on CyberQP is matched to an end-user account on HaloPSA via automatic match
- If an end-user account on CyberQP is matched to an end-user account on HaloPSA via manual match on the HaloPSA Integration
- If the phone number or email of a matched end-user is updated on HaloPSA, it will be synced to CyberQP dashboard
If I remove the email Id or phone number from HaloPSA for a matched end-user contact, will that wipe out the email Id and Phone number for that end-user contact on CyberQP dashboard too?
No, if the end-user email id or phone number is wiped out from HaloPSA or replaced with invalid information, then it will not replace the contact information (Email Id, Phone number) stored for that end-user on CyberQP dashboard.
What happens If I add a valid phone number whose country code is missing? Will it get synced to the CyberQP dashboard?
If a phone number is missing a country code on HaloPSA, a country code will be added to the phone number by the following logic -
- We will use the country code assigned to the end-user's site and append it to phone number
- If site is missing or no country code is present for that site, '+1' will be added as the default country code for that phone number
After appending the country code via the above logic, the phone number (if it's valid) will then be synced to CyberQP dashboard.
Will an Email ID Already in Use for Another End-User Be Synced to a Different End-User?
No, if an email ID is already assigned to an end-user record in CyberQP, it will not be synced to another end-user record, even if added for a new matched end-user in HaloPSA.
Will an end-user need to re-login to the self-serve app after their contact information (email ID or phone number) is updated via synchronization from HaloPSA?
Yes, the end-user will have to re-login into the self-serve app after their contact information (Email Id or Phone number) is updated via synchronization from HaloPSA.
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