This is a guide to show you how to use PowerShell to deploy the Quickpass Agent to your devices, via Microsoft Intune.
- Customers created in the Quickpass Dashboard
- Ensure that you have reviewed and understand the Install Token and Agent ID Values - Review the Scripted Agent Installation KB Article to understand what each Powershell Parameter will do
There are 2 main steps defined below.
1. Prepare your Powershell Script
2. Upload and Deploy Script
1. Prepare your Powershell Script
A prebuilt Powershell Script can be found at this link, and also pasted below. To Prepare this script for deployment, you will need to paste in your Install Token and your customer's Agent ID, which will be detailed below.
##Quickpass Installation PowerShell Script
$Path = "C:\QPInstall"
$DownloadURL = ""
$Output = $path + "\Quickpass-Agent-Setup.exe"
#Edit These Values for your Install Token and Agent ID Inside quotation Marks
$QPInstallTokenID = "InstallToken"
$QPAgentID = "AgentID"
#Edit RegionID for EU Tenant ONLY
#RegionID = "EU" for EU Tenant
#RegionID = "NA" for North America/Oceania Tenant
$RegionID = "NA"
#adds quotes to Installation Parameter
$QPInstallTokenIDBLQt = """$QPInstallTokenID"""
$QPAgentIDDBlQt = """$QPAgentID"""
$Region = """$RegionID"""
#Restart Options
<#Restart Commands
.NET lower than 4.7.2
.NET 4.7.2 or Higher Already Installed
No value Specified
After installation of .NET completes the system will automatically be restarted & After admin login, installation of the Agent system will complete and system will NOT be rebooted
After installation of the Agent system will NOT be rebooted
After installation of .NET completes the system will NOT automatically be restarted & After admin login, installation of the Agent will complete and system will NOT be rebooted
After installation of the Agent system will NOT be rebooted
After installation of .NET completes the system will automatically be restarted & After admin login, installation of the Agent will complete and system will NOT be rebooted
After installation of the Agent system will NOT be rebooted
After installation of .NET completes the system will automatically be restarted & After admin login, installation of the Agent will complete and system will be rebooted
After installation of the Agent system will be rebooted
$RestartOption = "/NORESTART"
#MSA vs Local System Service Options
<#MSA Commands
No Value Specified
The Agent will use the Local System Account to run the service
The Agent will use the Local System Account to run the service
A Managed Service Account will be created to run the Service
NOTE: This is only used for Domain Controllers. All other system types this command will be ignored.
$MSAOption = "MSA=1"
#Test if download destination folder exists, create folder if required
If(Test-Path $Path)
{write-host "Destination folder exists"}else{
#Create Directory to download quickpass installer into
write-host "Creating folder $Path"
md $Path
#Begin download of Quickpass Agent
write-host "Beginning download of the quickpass agent"
Start-BitsTransfer -Source $DownloadURL -Destination $Output
write-host "Variables in use for Quickpass Agent installation"
write-host "Software Path: $Output"
write-host "Installation Token: $QPInstallTokenID"
write-host "Customer ID $QPAgentID"
write-host "Restart option Selected $RestartOption"
write-host "MSA Creation Selected $MSAOption"
write-host "Beginning installation of Quickpass"
Start-Process "$Output" -ArgumentList "/quiet $RestartOption INSTALLTOKEN=$QPInstallTokenID CUSTOMERID=$QPAgentIDDBlQt REGION=$Region $MSAOption" -ErrorAction Stop
$ErrorMessage = $_.Exception.Message
write-host "Install error was: $ErrorMessage"
#exit 1
Write-Host "QuickPass Agent should have been installed successfully"
Open the script in a Powershell Editor.
Your Install Token and customer's Agent ID need to be pasted into these fields at the top section of the script:
$QPInstallTokenID = "InstallToken"
$QPAgentID = "AgentID"
To find your Install Token, go to your Quickpass Dashboard, and select Settings on the left side. Note: this setting is at the root level, and will not appear if you have navigated into a customer.
The Agent ID is unique to each customer in your Quickpass Dashboard. It can be found individually, or in bulk, via Customer Report. To get it individually, click the 3 dots on the right-hand side of the customer line in the Dashboard.
To get your full customer list of Agent IDs, you can go to Reports on the Quickpass Dashboard, and export the Customer Report.
Open the Customer Report and look for the column labeled Agent ID.
Once you've pasted your Install Token and Agent ID into your PowerShell script, and saved it, you're ready for the next step.
2. Upload and Deploy Script
Log into Office365 as a Global Admin and open up the Intune Admin portal. Navigate to Apps > Scripts, then click Add, and select Windows 10 and Later. In this example, our script is named QuickpassAgentDeploy.ps1.
Name your script and click Next.
Use the Folder icon to select your script, then toggle the Run script in 64-bit PowerShell Host option to Yes, and click Next.
Add your users, groups, or devices to the list here.
Review all of your settings for accuracy, and then click Add.
You have now saved the script for deployment. It takes time for Intune to actually deploy the script, but you should be set up at this point. Note: Don't forget to update the Install Token in your script any time you generate a new one. With an incorrect Install Token, the installation will not run successfully.
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