For Partners that wish to remove an Agent from a system due to decommissioning of a server, workstation, or wish to fully remove/offboard the Customer from the Tenant.
To Note
NOTE: With the implementation of the Just-In-Time accounts (JIT), it is now a requirement, prior to uninstall and removal of the Quickpass Agent, to remove ALL Just-In-Time accounts for the Customer you are removing.
NOTE: If you are uninstalling an agent from the last or only Domain Controller in the Customer Agent List, all Active Directory accounts from the End Users, Administrators, and Service Accounts sections will be removed from the Dashboard. If you are replacing a Domain Controller for your Customer, please start with the Agent installation process on that server first, to retain all of the Active Directory accounts.
Uninstallation of Agents
- On the system with the agent installed, uninstall this entry in Programs and Features. This will remove both Quickpass entries.
Alternatively you can run this PowerShell Script to remove the Agent from the System:
(Downloadable Script file found here: CQPUninstall)
#CyberQP Uninstall Script Updated 9.18.2023
#Script for Uninstalling the Agent from the Package Cache on the System instead of relying on the Latest Download.
# Specify a display name or a partial display name of the application
$partialDisplayName = "Quickpass" # Replace with the display name or partial display name
# Specify the MSI name
$msiName = "Quickpass-Agent-x64.msi"
# Specify the executable name
$executableName = "quickpass-agent-setup.exe"
# Specify the uninstall arguments
$uninstallArguments = "/uninstall /quiet"
# Path to search for the executable
$searchPath = "C:\ProgramData\Package Cache"
# Search for the executable and uninstall if found
$executablePath = Get-ChildItem -Path $searchPath -Recurse -Filter $executableName -File | Select-Object -ExpandProperty FullName
# Enumerate subkeys under the specified registry path
$productsRegistryPath = "HKLM:\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Installer\UserData\S-1-5-18\Products"
$subkeys = Get-ChildItem -Path $productsRegistryPath
foreach ($subkey in $subkeys) {
$installPropertiesPath = Join-Path -Path $subkey.PSPath -ChildPath "InstallProperties"
if (Test-Path -Path $installPropertiesPath) {
$installProperties = Get-ItemProperty -Path $installPropertiesPath -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
if ($installProperties -and $installProperties.DisplayName -like "*$partialDisplayName*") {
$installSource = $installProperties.InstallSource
if (-not [string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($installSource)) {
$msiPath = Join-Path -Path $installSource -ChildPath $msiName
Write-Host "Uninstalling application with DisplayName matching '$partialDisplayName' from MSI: $msiPath"
Start-Process msiexec -ArgumentList "/x `"$msiPath`" /qb" -Wait
} else {
Write-Host "InstallSource not found for application with DisplayName matching '$partialDisplayName'."
if ($executablePath) {
Write-Host "Found $executableName at: $executablePath"
Write-Host "Uninstalling $executableName..."
# Run the uninstall command
Start-Process -FilePath $executablePath -ArgumentList $uninstallArguments -Wait
Write-Host "$executableName has been uninstalled."
} else {
Write-Host "$executableName not found in $searchPath."
}- Some Customers have also found that this simple command in an Administrative Command Prompt may allow an uninstall of just the Agent Service
wmic product where name="QuickPass Agent (64-bit)" call uninstall /nointeractive
- Some Customers have also found that this simple command in an Administrative Command Prompt may allow an uninstall of just the Agent Service
- Delete the Quickpass Software Folder from the C:\Program Files Folder (Admin permissions may be required)
NOTE: The remaining steps are to be performed ONLY in cases where the Agent is to be permanently removed from the Dashboard. If you are simply reinstalling the Agent, these steps can be skipped and the Agent can be reinstalled using your normal process. - Remove the Agent from the Customer's Agent Screen after clicking the 3 Dot "Menu" icon
- A Confirmation/Warning Box will be presented. Click Confirm if you wish to proceed. Proceed with caution if this is the last/only Domain Controller in your customer Agent List.
- If you are uninstalling from a Domain Controller, you may be prompted to restart the server. Do so at your convenience.
Disconnect the Office 365 Tenant
- Disable the Sync or Delete any accounts on the End User Accounts and delete Administrators Accounts Dashboard that are directly imported from Office 365/Azure Source. You will see these accounts have the O365 Status Indicator in Green.
- On the main customers screen locate the Quickpass customer and select Disconnect O365 on the right hand menu.
Delete the Customer
If fully removing the Customer from your Tenant, please follow this process.
- Using the instructions above, uninstall ALL agents on systems listed in the Agents section.
- Using the instructions above, disconnect Office 365/Azure from the Customer if applicable.
- Disconnect any Integrations you may have implemented for ITGlue and/or Connectwise from the respective Integrations Screen
- In the main Customers screen go to the right hand menu and select Delete. This will remove any imported accounts from the Quickpass dashboard.
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