Product Updates
Datto Autotask Integration BETA
We are very excited to announce the beta release of our integration with Datto Autotask. This integration will greatly reduce the time to service password resets and other accounts management tickets within Datto Autotask. You will also be able to increase your help-desk security by leveraging the Quickpass identity verification solution.
Some key features include:
- Quickly and securely verify end-user identity via SMS, Email, or Quickpass mobile app
- Send end-users password reset links or reset passwords for them
- Unlock end-user accounts
- Enable/Disable end-user accounts
- View real-time end-user account status for Active Directory, Azure Active Directory, and Local Accounts
- Automate matching to existing or creating new Datto Autotask contacts whenever a new end-user account is imported into Quickpass.
Bug Fixes
Admin Dashboard
- Fixed bug where Manager role was unable to access ITG integration
- Login with SSO to Admin Dashboard was redirecting to Connectwise Manage login page for some users, this is now fixed
- Bulk upload of password using CSV was failing for large files, this is now fixed
- Date format on account status got changed to DD/MM/YYYY, this is now fixed to use format MM/DD/YYY
- Fixed a bug where reset password allowed resetting password below the minimum length set in the password policy
- Fixed a bug where the helpdesk role was not able to download the Quickpass Desktop app
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