Product Updates
Auto Rotate Settings
- Separated auto-rotate settings for the Administrator and Services account so it is clear which settings are being changed. You will now see two separate options for auto-rotation settings on the left panel.
IT Glue / Hudu Integrations
- Updated default placeholder password when IT Glue or Hudu password entries are initially created from Quickpass to ****Placeholder_Password_Do_Not_Use****
SSO Login
- Removed SSO token from settings menu as its not longer required for integration logins.
- Added support for single click Application login to Quickpass dashboard directly in Identity Management provider dashboards such as Okta and Azure Active Directory.
Office 365 Integration
- Updated the way Quickpass handles the Office 365 password policy when the Quickpass password sync option is enabled to better handle when there is a mix of end-user accounts that have the password sync option enabled and some who have it disabled. The Office 365 password policy is now no longer turned off and now Quickpass will enforce matching the number of days until the password expires to the same value as Active Directory's password policy only if the current value in O365 is less than current Active Directory Password Policy. This change is only enforced the first time an End User account is imported after Quickpass Password Sync is turned to ON.
End-User Identity Verification
- Updated end-user identity verification events to more easily distinguish between Identity Verification actions executed from the Quickpass dashboard vs the ConnectWise Manage integration.
Bug Fixes
SSO Login
- Fixed a bug that prevented users from logging in using SSO because of the email being case-sensitive. Now you should be able to log in with a registered email regardless of the upper or lower case.
AD Member Import
- While importing AD members into Quickpass, Quickpass will retain the formatting of the username and will not convert username formatting to lowercase.
O365 Import
- While importing O365 accounts some already synced O365 accounts were showing in the list, this is now fixed. You will only see O365 accounts that are not already synced.
IT Glue Integration
- Fixes a bug where IT Glue organizations were still shown from a past IT Glue connection when a new IT Glue connection was made. The IT Glue organizations will now automatically update to show organizations from the new connection.
Search End-User-Accounts
- You were not able to search for a partial and exact match for email addresses on End-User Accounts, this is now fixed.
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