- CyberQP integrated with HaloPSA
https://support.getquickpass.com/hc/en-us/articles/25342883841047-HaloPSA-Integration-Setup-Guide - CyberQP customer matched to HaloPSA customer
- CyberQP end-user account is matched to HaloPSA end-user
- End-users not setup with the Quickpass Self-Serve Mobile app will be sent identity verification codes by SMS or Email. While the ones who are setup on Self-serve app, can receive push notification and push notifications with code.
***Important*** Quickpass Self-Serve mobile app users MUST have Notifications Enabled for the Quickpass Self-Serve Mobile app to receive the push notifications to verify their identity. If notifications are disabled or not authorized for the Quickpass Self-Serve mobile app they will receive a text message verification code instead.
Verify End-User Identities in HaloPSA Service Tickets
- In HaloPSA open a service ticket emailed in by an end-user or created manually.
- Click on 'Identity Verification' to open up a new screen with multiple options to verify user identity - SMS, Email and Self-Serve. All emails, and phone numbers available for that end-user on HaloPSA and CyberQP dashboard will be displayed on the screen.
- Select the required authentication method and click on 'Send'
Note - After clicking on 'Send' the end-user will receive a code except when 'Push notification' method is selected.
- Contact the end-user to confirm the code they received. Enter the received code in the dialog box before the 1-minute timer runs out and click on 'Verify'.
a. If the code entered is correct, then the identity verified modal appears on the screen.
b. If the code entered is incorrect, then the following modal appears on the screen.
c. If the code is not entered before the one-minute timer expires, then the timeout modal appears on the screen.
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